2nd Annual Conference of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language

The 2nd ACTEFL conference is a unique way of networking with public school teachers from the eastern zone of São Paulo. All of our talks and workshops will be directly related to the professional practices in public schools. It will be an amazing opportunity for those who are looking for ideas, inspiration and professional development.

The organizing committee is pleased to announce that the 2nd Annual Conference of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language will be held October 26, 2018 in São Paulo, Brazil. The conference seeks to provide talks and workshops for public school teachers from the eastern zone of São Paulo.

It is an initiative of a team formed by five regional English Coodinators from the State Secretary of Education in São Paulo: Leste 1, Leste 2, Leste 3, Leste 4 and Leste 5.

Universidade Cidade de S. Paulo (UNICID)
448 Cesário Galeno Street
Tatuapé (03071-000)
São Paulo, SP




Doors Open

Brazilian National Anthem

Official Opening

Aparecida Lúcia Alves Novaes de OlivetoLESTE 4

Music Presentation

EE Raul Pilla Leste 1

Organizing Committee

Mário Sabino da SilvaLESTE 4

O ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa à luz da BNCC

Jucimeire BispoSEE-SP

Approaches and methodologies in ELT in the context of the public school


“Speaking and the BNCC – how can we connect? Suggestions from the RELO Office”

Helmara de MoraesU.S. Embassy

Lunch Break

Workshop 1 - Room 01

Practical Activities for English Classes

Maria Elena ValerianoLESTE 1

Workshop 2 - Room 02

Virtual Reality Experience in ELT - utilização de óculos de realidade virtual 'Google Cardboard'

Raquel RibeiroLearning Technologies Special Interest Group (LTSIG)- IATEFL England

Workshop 3 - Room 03

Using graphic organizers to teach beyond language

Daphne WalderOxford University Press

Workshop 4 - Room 04

English Clubs and other activities – how successful can they be? Planning activities for your own classroom

Helmara MoraesU.S. Embassy

Workshop 5 - Room 05

A língua inglesa no contexto da educação básica: The world and I: can I get it better?

Irene Izilda da Silva


Online Resources to Boost Language Learning

Alberto CostaCambridge Assessment English

The 21st Century teacher – are you there yet?

Daphne WalderOxford University Press
